Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I'm switching over to a new blog that I am really excited about called TVTEEN it will have poetry and art and photography and other cool stuff and the best part is that I will be starting my own show on YouTube soon to go with it more details soon :)

P.S Here is the link just in case you want a head start

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Bet -Z

I have a choice to make and I know I am going to set myself up for failure. -Janet

I can't ask about something they have no interest in
Do it! So what I can break into tears?
I don't have what they want
I'm nice enough but I'm not that nice
Why try, they will never be over even if they say so
Feelings don't go away
I will bet on it
I have lived it
Regretting everyday that I'm not them
I will bet
That I will be heartbroken
Everyone says so
So why ask? Why try?
It's only a bet
All I have is a chance
One I can see in the corner of my eye
Why not just run away and hide
I will never see them again
My future is already set
So why ask over a bet?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Do you see me? -Z

Just take a second and look -Anonymous

I stare into every part of me
No never
I wish I could have just one less
No never
100 likes psh mostly family...probably
No never
If only I could just hide until...
No never
But who would want me?
No never
I don't have a chance
No never
By myself if the only way
No never
Thats seven times I could have asked.

Steam -Z

I apologize if you have read this. -Anonymous

I try so hard in this world
But the world is so hard
Forgetting a simple glass of water is a sin
Trying to be a part of something but no recognition
Like acting like nothing is wrong when my names not on the black
Or forgetting what I am to do that week what if I just stopped
And blew off some steam
Blamed and used like a hopeless dog drooped ears down to the ground
But why stop until its all gone
Left to fend, to try and juggle for your attention like a circus clown
But you turn your nose away once the show's over
So what if I yelled or screamed or kicked or punched
Well all that would do is blow off some steam
But bottled in a little glass jar is what will stay
and I am just waiting for that one day
When it shatters into a million tiny pieces

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Way Back When- A

I am so tired of all these girls and thier personality's they're so fake
It hurts me to see them go down like this, it's a pian, a ache
Out of all the skinny perfect girls I see , I notice one
Stange out of most, beautiful out of the ton
she carries a box whereever she goes
it must be her secret and she the only one that knows
Then I see her hands dance across this thing
She's the one, I thought I just don't want another fling
It's a cello she told me
her voice was like my music my life has been closed lately but today I found the key
Ever since I started talking to her I just could'nt stop
She's so differant and unique this time I can't mess up,this time it won't be a flop.
Dear Mia,
This poem was wrote about the time I met you
This was one of the most inportant memories in my life
this day changed my life forever and I knew it would
After you left to new york my heart felt thrown
right now I have no idea where you are but
I know your gonna be big. And One day
I am gonna see you and things in my life will change forever. Out lives will change forever.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My first angel- A

Dear Maya,
When your mother told me we were having a baby girl
 I was astonished
I was thinking wow a year from today I will have a girl ,
My girl.

You were so tiny
your beautiful pink eyes shut
your small pink fingers

 First Smile
Your little face smirked

your little eyes woke wide open
My angel smile

First Walk
Your tiny small feet
stumbling as you try to walk
I got the camera :)

First Word
your little mumbles
Then I hear the words daddy
My heart skipped a beat


you have grown so much
My little girl is now big
where did the time go?

All Grown up
your all grown up now
I never wanted you to grow up but now I need to allow
to let my baby girl explore
so she can find someone she can adore
so tomorrow you can bring home a new baby girl
my baby girl.

Girl World -Z

This is Violet, I just want to let you well I guess the reader know that everything I'm writing is true! I mean don't deny the fact that our world girls, our little girl world inside our heads is a horrible place but I bet you already know that...

That fake smile on your face that makes me shiver and shake,
Why are you even trying?
Isn't it enough that you made my heart brake like a twig?
But I guess everyone needs their revenge and this time its my turn.

Our World -A

                                                Fast, Wasted
                                            old school,authentic,

dear Paige, 
Our world has really become something
I feel like our times were much simpler 
people actually talked face to face vs. computer to computer
I hope our world doesn't change too much
if it does I hope I can sit here with you watching it

September 3rd - A

How do you tell the girl you love it's time to walk away?
We loved,laughed,we talked
I hope I see your face just once more,I pray
we smiled,we kissed and than we walked

September 3rd that was the day
the day our lives were revamped.
there on that hospital bed you lay,
I felt confused,angry my heart sunk as it felt cramped.

September 3rd the day you forgot
The day your forgot me, us, our love, our memories, our time
I can't stand the thought of loosing you I really cannot
I might have to leave now I can not bear, although I will come back it's risky but this time I will do this crime

Dear Fiona,
September 3rd my life changed in so many ways
you were in severe car accident
you forgot me, you could'nt remember
we lost everything
Today, I have no idea where you are
but this letter was told to be given exactly 5 years from that day
wherever you are I hope you are well
I hope you love someone the same way you use to love me
I hope when I come back to our old town your smile remains as new and shiny as it always looks
other told me it was foolish to leave but it was'nt my choice It was what best for you
I felt you could start all over again and I felt that I could be a burden
one day I hope I can explain all this
but until than keep on smiling
love you always and forever,
- Leo

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why Water? -Z

   I feel like if I give you my name you will think that there is something wrong with me and will fight with me non stop about this opinion. I don't understand why we have water, now hear me out I mean why do we have water? So people can die from dehydration or from no food or from drowning because we can't swim? I don't know why we should be put through all this pain for one simple liquid. But I guess its not that simple is it we can't just not need it because now that its here on earth we need it more than ever.
Anonymous Opinion

Clear Murky 
Flowing Dripping Drying 
Taps Lakes Meadows Mountins 
Blowing Stopping Returning 
Cool Twirled 

Air-Packed Man-made 
Holding Floating Pushing 
Plastic Security Lungs Air 
Breathing Diving Releasing 
Natural Repeating

I go another day without anything to eat,
I pray and pray everyday that the rain and the ground will meet, 
But as if the sky is laughing at me it does not cry water from above, 
It only laughs and insults not thinking about not me but the ones I love,